Kerala boasts of the best health statistics in India comparable to those in the Western world and alsoof “quality care at low cost”. If we analyze the factors responsible for this, definitely the standard of medical education delivery system in the State comes out to be one of the major factors in achieving this goal. The doctors, paramedics and nurses passing out from our Colleges have performed excellently wherever they have gone - to the West, to Gulf or even to the remotest corner of the State/Country. Human development and enhancing the quality of life of the people are the ultimate objectives of all activities of the Government.
Quality of life and development can be achieved only with healthy mind and body. Health is the vital ingredient of all developmental activities. The State needs a well qualified manpower to handle the health related problems and promotion of positive health.
The Department of Medical Education plays a pivotal role in developing medical and para-medical personnel to cater to the health needs of the State. The department also has a role to play in establishment and maintenance of well-equipped teaching institutions, which are the premier referral centres with state of the art equipment and technology. Research is another area of activity for Medical Education Department. This web sites gives various course offered under Directorate of Medical Education, selection of the students for the benefit of the public. We also welcome your suggestion and enquires regarding health and medical education.